Fiber claim
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has long since issued directives to advertise the fibre content of food products, distinguishing between two claims: ‘a source of’ and ‘rich in’.
Fibre is the part of the grain or pulse that can’t be directly digested, and it has been shown that fibre, even if not a significant source of energy, is good for the human body as it regulates the intestinal tract and acts as a substrate for the intestinal flora, improving immune activity in this part of the intestine.
In order for the fibre concentration of a given product to be high enough to add a fibre claim to the label, semi-finished wholemeal products can be used, or bran obtained by processing the outermost parts of grains and especially pulses, portions rich in these components, can be added.
The temperature-based treatments and purification processes used by CerealVeneta make it possible to increase the fibre content, thereby allowing less of the semi-finished product to be used in the finished goods while maintaining the claim.